Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Use of middle class an insult to Americans

To The Eagle:

Are you middle class? Every time I hear a talking head use the phrase “middle class,” I seethe. The implications are obvious and offensive in the extreme. For a middle class to exist, there has to be an upper class and a lower class. Point me out a lower class American. Show me a countryman that is locked in that strata.

Our nation was crafted as a Republic, under the rule of Law, which affords the rights and protections of the Law equally to all citizens. To be locked into a “class” is the first bond of slavery.

I refuse to be defined by that offensive mind set. I belong to no class; I am an American. Individually, we may be low-income, middle-income or high-income.

This can result from the serendipity of good fortune or ill, ambition or sloth, brilliance or blunder. In no way does it lock you or me into a class. Your rights and responsibilities as an American citizen transcend a class society.

The next time you hear an arrogant politician or smug media pundit refer to you, or any of your countrymen as “middle class,” feel free to bristle. It is an insult.

Bob Jungers



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