Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

WHS elects officers

The mission statement reads, “We believe that education is a partnership with responsibility shared by all: school, family, students, and community. All individuals shall be provided a safe, positive environment where they may reach their full potential as responsible citizens.”

So, with that in mind prospective candidates for the 2012-2013 class officer positions began looking over descriptions of the duties of each position, the calendar of school events, candidate forms, and staff approvals. Then, a busy week of elections ensued at Wahkiakum High School.

Witty slogans, catchy phrases, glitter paint, and speeches comprised only part of the spirited campaigns at Wahkiakum High School.

With ballots collected and counted, officials were able to announce the Associated Student Body (ASB) officers for the 2012-2013 school year. Brook Calvert will serve as president, Mitchel Dault as vice-president, Maya Stanley as secretary, Eli McElroy as treasurer, Jessica Thomas as assistant treasurer and Haylee Budd as the public relations manager.

“It’s a great group,” said Wahkiakum High School Principal Dan Casler.

Completing their terms are 2011-12 officers, President Blaine Land, Vice-president Ashley Silva, Secretary Brieanna Olsen, Treasurer Marissa Washington, Assistant Treasurer: Eli McElroy and Public Relations Manager Dylan Hansen.


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