Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Thanks given for vote against new federal debt

To The Eagle:

Our US Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler deserves praise for her vote against the recent federal spending bill. I appreciate her concern over the large—and growing—amount of debt the federal government owes.

Recently, I attended a financial planning seminar featuring a Loyola University economics professor. His take was 2018 looks steady for our economy. Good news, however, he added the United States was in a “late period of recovery” in an economic cycle. The problem is spending and debt obligations when the economy inevitably contracts. This economist referred to debt as government “kicking the can down the road.” He then corrected himself, “I mean rolling the barrel down the road,” adding, “the debt issue keeps me up at night.”

The US debt is like paying for another huge government program. I can go on, but if you are interested in this issue, a good use of on-line time is to word-search it.

Polls show that most Americans currently are not paying attention to the problem of debt. And how can they when so many indulge in the partisanship / tribalism gripping our society? How many memes on social media knocking Trump, Clinton or whatever constitutes “the other side” do people need to consume before they have had enough? This is another kind of deficit—a cognitive one.

At least someone is paying attention to important things. Thanks again Rep. Herrera Beutler.

Krist Novoselic

Deep River


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