Throughout the fall season, The Eagle has printed letters to the editor reflecting a wide range of opinion. We have long been committed to providing that forum. Note that these, for the most part, are opinions. As seen on the increasingly widespread use of digital media such as Facebook and Twitter, some might well be labeled as lacking veracity.
Moving on, there has been debate over the effectiveness of wearing masks to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. Our local, state and federal health professionals have all come to recommend the practice. If a large enough percentage of the population wore them, the virus could be brought under control.
You don't have to believe me: An excellent online article, written by a scientist, not media types, takes us through it. "An Explorable Essay on How Masks Can End COVID-19; The Multiplicative Power of Masks" can be found at
Covid-19 is now spreading through our county's population. Be safe; follow the health pros' recommendations, and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
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