Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Sheriff's office seeks information about thefts

The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office is asking the community for information on a rash of thefts and burglaries as they move forward in the ongoing investigation.

The crimes, which have occurred county-wide, began around September of 2021. The sheriff’s office has made progress in their investigation, and believe the activity ties to a criminal group outside the county. They are identifying suspects, gathering evidence, and have recently made some arrests.

According to a press release, on February 13, two deputies spoke to a man and woman walking along east SR 4. Both subjects provided false information about their identities, and a deputy recognized the male as a suspect in a prior burglary.

Because they had probable cause for criminal impersonation, the deputies advised the man he was under arrest for burglary. The man jumped the guard rail and rolled down the hill, with the deputies giving chase, as they too tumbled down the bank. They were able to catch the suspect and place him in cuffs. He made several attempts to flee, but they were able to get him in a patrol car and subsequently booked in the county jail.

Three days later, two more people were arrested when a deputy investigated a suspicious vehicle that had been left on a dirt road off of east SR 4. The deputy observed a man and a woman with the truck and recognized the female as a suspect from a prior burglary case. After the deputy confirmed that the truck was stolen, the woman was taken into custody. The deputy verified that the man at the scene was also involved in a burglary and was in possession of stolen items. He too was arrested. Piles of stolen items were found in and around the vehicle.

“This is an active and evolving case with a lot of suspects, locations, and stolen items involved,” the press release reads. “The sheriff’s office asks for your patience as we sort it out and build a solid case to charge these individuals. As we inventory the items, we will be checking cases where they were reported stolen and trying to match the items to their owners. If you have any information regarding any burglary or theft case, please call the sheriff’s office at 360-795-3242. We appreciate any information that would help us catch and charge these thieves.”


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