Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Downriver Dispatches

News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle

Fall is coming: One week from today will be the first day of fall. Small leaves are already starting to fall on Loop Road and the corn is looking good on the Zimmerman's farm. The new property assessments came in the mail which rocked the world for several landowners. Don't forget that you can apply for the senior discount if you qualify. Take your tax returns to the Assessor's office and see if you can get in that program. You must be over a certain age and meet the other criteria, but it's worth a try. Your gross adjusted income must be under $40,000, but remember there are deductions for health care expenses, so call first, then head to the Assessor's office. Fallon Hoven will help you get started with forms at (360) 465-2654.

Art Show at Tsuga Gallery: Congratulations to the four Painting Ladies who had their art show at Tsuga Gallery. It was well attended, and the art pieces were wonderful. All sorts of art mediums, including jewelry and pieces made from recycled metal, were on display. Well done to all the artists at Tsuga. Janet Cimino would be proud of what you've done with the Gallery.

Rod Run Weekend: For me, it's good to see the end of the Rod Run on the Peninsula. It's unbelievable how many cars are parked to be on display and how many cars are on SR 4. Once again, the Astoria Bridge is overburdened by traffic and once again, we who live and drive on SR 4 with all those out-of-town drivers who don't understand double yellow lines, must watch out for the speeders that pass us. It's been quite a summer of speeders so I'm glad to see traffic slowing down finally.

Funerals: This Saturday there will be a celebration of life for Max Smith, son of Arlene and Howard Nelson. July 28, Max lost his battle to cancer. He fought hard for six years, but the cancer finally won. Losing him has been hard on the family, especially his wife, Mary. I miss him myself. As a neighbor, I often saw Max at Arlene and Howard's house or at family parties and I thought the world of him. He was a very thoughtful man, kind and generous, and a wonderful listener. He never put his burdens on others. Instead, he invited others to share their burdens with him. His service will be at Valley Bible Church at 2 p.m. Another friend we've lost is Joyce Bolton. Her service will be at Valley Bible Church the following week, September 25 at 3 p.m. Joyce has been a wonderful addition to our community. She and Norm are one of the popular past owners of the Rosburg Store. Again, our prayers are with her family.

Photo of the Week: John and Sherry Woods who live at 117 Barr Road, always have a nice big garden. The photo shows the "Dancing Scarecrow" that Sherry made to protect all the vegetables. John told me she didn't shape it to dance, but the broom handle wouldn't stay straight. To me it looks like a dancer, and it makes me smile each time I drive by. I stopped to take the photo and talked with John who has plenty of stories to share. With his big hands that dump and log truck drivers and loggers tend to have, John represents over 75 years of both careers. He still drives a dump truck and has done so for many contractors in the area. Their garden is getting ready for harvest anytime with plenty of squash under the scarecrow and deer working their way around the boundaries so they can get to the apple trees that are also coming on. Slow down when driving or walking by their house to check out the scarecrow.

New Horse Arena in the GR Valley: Two large buildings are appearing on land that was Zerr's and now belongs to Tony Wang and his wife. The very large one on the east end of the field past the gate will be a horse arena and the one next to it to the west, will be a cow barn. Both buildings are out of the flood area on their place, so this should work out well for year-round use.

Christmas Bazaars: I know it's early to be talking about Christmas, but for folks who work with handcrafts and make fun things to sell at the holidays, it is time to get registered for tables. The Rosburg Christmas Bazaar will be on Saturday, October 29. To sign up as a vendor, contact Frieda Footh or Sonja Kruse. The November Bazaar at the Naselle Lutheran Church is in November, but I have no date yet. Steve Ullakko usually has one at his farmhouse property before Christmas, so hopefully I will get an update for those. There are always lots of goodies at these bazaars that make great gifts. They're personal, too, when you think of the folks taking the time to make them. Of course, the Christmas Concert in the Deep River Church is usually the afternoon of the first Sunday in December, that would be December 4 this year. The day usually includes a home tour and a soup supper. Be watching to learn more as time gets closer. It was wonderful having a driving tour of Christmas lights last year, too, so I'm hoping that we will have our usual Christmas events we had before Covid shut us down. And we'll be in the newly restored Deep River Church for the concert.

Thanksgiving: Surely we can't skip over Thanksgiving. It should be the most important holiday of all if I had a vote. Please let me know of community meals or any other information for that important family day.


September 20: Naselle/GRV School Board meeting at 6:30.

September 22: Fall equinox so there are only three weeks left of summer.

October 1: 4-H Covered Bridge Dinner at 4:30 - Tickets are all gone.

October 1: Loggers Reunion at Appelo Archives Center at 1 p.m. (revised time).

CAP/Thursday Senior Lunches are now located inside Rosburg Hall at noon.

The next Wednesday Senior Lunch will be on September 21 at Rosburg Hall.

Word for the week: Football.


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