Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

CWCOG opens economic vitality survey for residents to share priorities

The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments is conducting its third Economic Vitality survey to better understand residents’ priorities with respect to economic development, transportation, housing, and other topics. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and responses help local agencies, and state and federal partners, better plan future projects and investments.

Use the following link if interested in participating:

The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments is a multi-purpose association of governments that delivers a diverse array of federal, state, and local programs while fulfilling its primary function as a regional planning organization.

The Economic Vitality Survey is available online at the link noted above, on the Agency’s website (, and by request in paper at: CWCOG at Cowlitz Administration Annex 207 4th Avenue N., Kelso, WA 98626, (360) 577-3041. Questions may be directed to Brandon Robinson, Economic Development Planner at CWCOG by regular mail to PO Box 128, Kelso WA 98626, via email to, or by FAX at (360) 214-3425.

Those needing special accommodations to participate in this process should call 360-577-3041 by 5:00 p.m. December 28. Ask for the ADA Coordinator. For TDD users, access the state's toll-free relay service, (800) 833-6388, and ask the operator to dial 360-956-7575.


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