Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Blacksmithing demonstrations and more at Stella on October 9

For its 47th consecutive year, the Stella Historical Society will hold its annual Remnants Of The Past. September 9 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., a variety of activities will take place. In addition to the usual fascinating displays, Matt Moore will demonstrate blacksmithing skills and Ted Gruber will be on-site to discuss old post offices of Cowlitz County. These activities and many more will take place at the museum complex 10 miles west of Longview at 8530 Ocean Beach Highway.

A short drive up Germany Creek Road will take you to Stella Lutheran Chapel at 124 Sherman Road. There will be a display of historical pictures and artifacts, a farmers’ market, bake sale, live music, lye soap demonstration, lunch for sale, and whole lot more. Admission for adults is $5.00; kids aged 5-2, $2.00; and under age five, free. All buildings are handicapped accessible.

For additional information, call 360-423-8663 or 360-423-3860.


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