To The Eagle:
I’m troubled to read letters that wrote ill words on Trump. Those four years that he was president I felt were the best years our country has ever been in mentally, physically, and especially economically. The chaos we’re now experiencing since Biden and his bureaucrats took over: we’re suffering high inflation and interest rates; high price in gas and food. They shut down the southern borders allowing illegal immigrants and terrorists to come in making our country unsafe. They shut down the Keystone pipeline, mandated lockdowns, masks and vaccines that were unconstitutional causing many to lose jobs and homes. There is real evidence that Biden and his family are involved in bribery, received illegal payments from foreign entities and evading federal taxes.
Yet the writers make no mention of Biden and his bureaucrats. Does this mean they approve of what he is doing to our country?
I read about Trump mocking a disabled reporter. I researched on that subject. I don’t approve of what he did but I found there is more to that story. It would do no good to narrate it. I’m not rationalizing his behavior but I’ve watched him in some of his rallies on Newsmax. Yes, he flailed his arms about and mocked words but they weren’t about the disabled mostly corrupted bureaucrats. Many of us have different body languages when we speak. This is his.
For decades, the corrupted bureaucrats have robbed our money and pushed their twisted meaningless agenda into every aspect of our lives.
I especially enjoyed the article on Geri Florek. She is one of a kind human being.
Toni Below
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