Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Grays Bay flooding and sea level rise workshop announced

Over the past year, community members and local leaders came together three times to discuss flood risk & sea level rise resiliency in the Grays Bay area. Washington Sea Grant, Pacific Conservation District, and the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership collected their input to identify community-determined approaches to address local challenges posed by flooding and sea level rise and to create a Resilience Strategy.

You are invited to review the Resilience Strategy, including the list of possible flooding and sea level rise resiliency projects developed during the three-part workshop series. There will be opportunities to provide feedback on the plan and suggested projects.

The review will be held Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 6:00-8:00pm at Rosburg Hall

Dinner and refreshments will be provided. Gifts from local vendors and a raffle ticket for a chance to win a door prize will be offered to all workshop participants. To encourage families to attend, a dedicated kids' drawing and activity table will be set up in the venue.

Please share this invitation with friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family. Attendance at a previous workshop in this series is not required, though you may want to arrive a few minutes early to review the relevant maps and materials that have been discussed so far.

Further details and inquiries, please reach out to Jackson Blalock at Pacific Conservation District via email at


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