Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Workforce Council changing its name

The Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council (SWWDC) will begin doing business as Workforce Southwest Washington (Workforce SW) as of July 1, 2016. The organization will continue to serve as the Workforce Development Board for Clark, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties.

In addition to the new name, the company has released a new logo and will rebrand and launch a new website,, in mid-July. Email addresses for staff will change to first initial followed by last name Phone numbers and the organization's address at 805 Broadway, Suite 412 in downtown Vancouver will remain the same.

Changes to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) legislation that governs the nonprofit workforce development board prompted an update to the organization's strategic plan and led to adoption of the new name and brand. Management and staff remain the same and will continue to provide the same valuable services to fulfill the organization's mission to prepare and promote a skilled and adaptive workforce for a thriving economy in Southwest Washington.

"Workforce development is about integrating the services of numerous organizations, including education, government agencies and labor, to comprehensively address the needs of business and job seekers," said Jeanne Bennett, Workforce Southwest Washington's CEO. "We believe our new name more fully reflects the work of our partners in providing cohesive services for our customers."

The Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council (doing business as Workforce Southwest Washington), a nonprofit organization founded in 2002, contributes to regional economic growth by providing investments and resources to improve the skills and education of the workforce in Clark, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties. Workforce Southwest Washington helps businesses find and hire the employees they need and provides people the skills, education and training to find work or advance in their careers. Workforce Southwest Washington partners with employers, community colleges and universities, labor groups, government and economic development agencies, high schools and community organizations. Learn more at


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