Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Only fifteen days left until Christmas

Skamokawa News

LOOKING SOGGY--After a few days of some clear, sunny days, albeit cold, it looks like we're in for a drizzly one this week. If the forecast comes true you may have to resign yourself to use that umbrella more often and keep the boots by the door! Of course, with all our little micro-climates around here, one area could be wet while the other dry, so personally, I'd like to go against the odds and hope for a bit more dryness out here in West Valley for a change. Then again, it's December.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Dec. 10-16 are Carol McClain, Jai Snow, Tom Bosch, Seth Kuljis, Julie Burdick, Cristina Moonen, Sandy Bergseng, Jim Webb, Lynah Bergseng, Gail Holt, Toni Johnson, Eileen Tietje, Ruth Linquist, Claire Meyers, Tyler Johnson, Nora Sorenson, Kayrene Gilbertsen, Zachary Stewart, Abby Buennagel and 67'ers Elaine Munson Rolf and Sharon Stout Servis.

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Mr. and Mrs. Gary Backman, Mr. and Mrs. Zack Bonds and Danny and Emma Helms. May you all have memorable days this coming week as you celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries!

THIS SATURDAY--Don't forget, our local fire departments will be out and about this Saturday with our "traveling Santa" as they tour the area and spread their cheer, as well as collect food and other donations, so to begin with, if you're in Skamokawa, the trucks will be at Skamokawa Vista Park at 4:15 to 4:30 p.m. I gave a longer detailed list last week, so I won't repeat it all, but they will be at the high school from 5:30 to 5:45 p.m. and then at the Norse Hall around 6:35 p.m. and back to the Cathlamet Fire Station around 7 p.m. Here's hoping they get lots of donations!

NEED LEFSE?--The clock is ticking, so don't forget to get that order in for lefse and other goodies right away to either Jan 360-431-1705 or Susan 360-849-4476. Not only will you get to enjoy some tasty Scandinavian goodies, but you won't have to do all the work, plus, you'll be supporting a great organization, so here's hoping you get the order turned in to the Sons of Norway's ladies so you can enjoy those tasty treats for the holidays!

GOOD NEWS--I hope you were able to attend local artist, Treasure Collupy's glass showing at the Hotel Cathlamet this past week, where I heard he sold out of ornaments, so that was awesome news! I have several pieces of his work, and I certainly never get tired of looking at it. I know some of you may not have been able to attend, but if you still really wanted a piece of his art, you could contact him on Facebook or by phone as he's definitely willing to part with some more of his gorgeous works of art. From vases to oil lamps to bowls and just decorative pieces, he's got some beautiful items in some amazing colors so, check it all out! Have a computer? Check out "Collupy Glass" or on Treasure's page on Facebook, or you can just call him at 360-560-6294.

NEWS FROM NEIGHBORS--I heard from former neighbors, Chuck and Sheran Parker this week, and it was good to hear from them. The couple had moved to Ridgefield but Sheran tells me that they will be moving again in a couple of months, as they are opting to be closer to their son who lives in Colorado, so that will be nice for them. While we don't envy them having to do all that moving again, it will be nice to be closer to family, so here's hoping that all goes well. Also, a big congratulations to them for becoming great grandparents, although the down side of this latest arrival is that this the new baby is clear over in South Korea!

Like so many of us right now, we're glad that we have computers and/or smart phones and can at least see our new additions even if we can't smother them with kisses right now. Here's hoping that gets to happen before too long.

SYMPATHIES--I had turned in my column already before I learned of the passing of Everett Hilker last week, and we certainly were sad to hear that he'd lost his battle with a rare disease he was suffering from. We certainly send our deepest sympathies to his wife, Sandra plus all the other members of his family.

I also heard of the recent passing of Patricia (Patty) Ingersoll, wife of Rodney, and we are truly saddened to hear this news. Again, our sincere condolences to her family and friends. For those in her family who are still dealing with these health issues, we wish you all the best in your recovery.

COUNTING DOWN--There are just 15 days until Christmas (if you're reading this on Thursday the 10th), so I do hope you've been able to shop local, send a few cards out to those who might never receive one and maybe even send a "secret Santa" gift to someone in need if you possibly can. However, if you don't have any money to spare and can't buy a physical item, one can always share a smile or say a kind word, as they don't cost us a thing and may just be the best gift of all this year!

Speaking of which, I want to give a shout out to the lady who said to me, as I was walking down the sidewalk, "I really like your hair!" How nice, and yes, you made my day! See? It's often just the little things that can brighten one's day as you just never know when someone really needs that act of kindess. Bless you!

OUT OF THE PAST--Back in 1950, some of the family members of the Everest family traveled up north to see the Shane family. Grandma Elsie got to dine out at "Fredrick and Nelson's Tea Room" with some of the family members and enjoyed a nice elk dinner! Shirley Walker flew up from Long Beach, CA and was spending the holidays with the Shanes that year. While the week had begun dry, it was mostly a wet week.

This week back in 1960, it was nice and a little warmer in California where the Everests were spending the holidays with their son, George and family. Meanwhile, back on Puget Island, Leon Pierre Jaspers, age 76, passed away that week. He had been born in Bagnolet, France but came to the USA when he was just four years old and had lived on Puget Island for 34 years. He was survived by his wife, Liddie, a son Roy and a daughter, Mrs. Marie Backman. He also had two brothers, Pete and Charles and half-brother, Robert Hamill, as well as a sister, Mrs. Helen Foley of Toledo.

The Pedersen family did not receive good news this week as patriarch, Jonas Pedersen, who had been hospitalized, was going to have to have his leg removed due to infection and complications of diabetes. Sadly, on Dec. 13, he passed away and his services were held on Dec. 16 at the First Lutheran Church on North Welcome Slough Rd. on Puget Island. At that time, he was survived by his second wife, Helga, five sons: Krist, Werner, Peder, Walter and Holger and five daughters: Bella, Grace, Norma, Nancy and Margaret. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Nilsine and two sons: Werner (toddler) and Arthur. He was one of 10 children and was born in Tjotta, Helgeland, Norway in 1884.

All this according to my Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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