Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(9043) stories found containing 'cathlamet'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 9043

  • A night of fun and dancing at Cathlamet's 2nd annual Senior Prom

    Megan Blackburn Friend|Aug 29, 2024

    On the evening of August 24, I had the pleasure of attending the 2nd annual Senior Prom at the Hope Center in Cathlamet. What started as a simple task of covering the event for The Eagle turned into a delightful evening filled with music, dancing, excellent company, reconnecting with familiar faces and making new friends! Sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, the Cathlamet Women’s Club and River Mile 38, the event ran from 6 to 9 p.m. and was all a...

  • PUD consolidation

    George Wehrfritz|Aug 29, 2024

    Cathlamet’s premium asset is a section of timberland located on a ridge above town. Over the decades, harvests have delivered recurring income to a municipality that operates on a shoestring. Should Cathlamet sell this land? Never. Cathlamet’s second renewable resource is a water right to the Elochoman River. It feeds the water plant, serves town customers and supplies everyone on Puget Island. Recurring water revenue is vital to sustaining local services. Should the town sell this water right to the PUD? The answer is obvious. The PUD has cov...

  • Mary Alice Granger

    Aug 29, 2024

    Mary Granger (Snyder), born on June 23, 1945, to Alice and Roy T. Snyder in Longview, WA, peacefully passed away on Sunday July 21, 2024. Mary’s early years were spent along the Columbia River in beautiful Cathlamet until 1961 when her family relocated to Walla Walla Washington where her parents established Park Manor Nursing Home on Plaza Way. Mary attended DeSales Catholic High School, graduating in 1963. Shortly after, she married James P. Goulet, with whom she had three sons: Paul Scott, James Patrick, and Robert Roy Goulet. Mary was an a...

  • 2024 Wahkiakum County Fair

    Patty Dursteler|Aug 29, 2024

    Greetings from the fair office. WOW! What a fair. If you weren't able to attend, you missed out. All three days had lots of entertainment. Thanks to everyone who braved the storm to watch "Arena Rock Gold" Saturday night. I have been working with this band for over 10 years and believe me they are well worth the wait. Michelle Lambert came from California and played Saturday afternoon along with lots of other talent. The Reptile Roadshow was here on Friday and Baluantic was here Friday and Satur...

  • Sheriff's report

    Aug 29, 2024

    August 19 4:09 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance assisted an elderly person who had fallen. 7:23 a.m. A Cathlamet resident requested assistance from paramedics. 8:32 p.m. Emergency services assisted a Cathlamet resident who had fallen. August 20 1:39 p.m. A Westend caller reported a tree down blocking the west bound lane of SR4 east of Grays River. 3:37 p.m. A Elochoman Valley resident reported a vehicle had been parked for a few days on their property close to the road. The caller worried that the vehicle could be hit by a motorist. 3:58 p.m. The...

  • Skamokawa news

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 29, 2024

    NICE START. As I begin this column, the sun is shining and it looks to be a pretty decent week, with temperatures climbing back up into the mid-eighties here. It may even get hotter in other nearby towns, so it looks like our summer is back after a batch of fall-like weather that brought heavy rains, thunder and lightning. It looks like I need to get myself in gear and get all those "nice weather" chores done while I have the for the ole body to cooperate. SCHOOL STARTED. As luck would have it, the great weather returned just as s...

  • Wahkiakum History

    Aug 22, 2024

    Arriving at Fort Vancouver, we were met by the Chief Factor Ogden, who kindly invited us all to accept his hospitality for such time as we desired, but as the officers all wished to go on, he offered to send them at once, so, after thanking him most heartily for his kindness all our party except my brother’s wife went to Oregon City in the same Batteaux. The baby having taken a severe cold, she thought she must remain and keep him from any more exposure until the arrival of the balance of our goods, which were expected to come by the next mail...

  • Skamokawa News

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 22, 2024

    WILD WEATHER. Well, we certainly had a mix of weather the past week, and I have to say, the most impressive part was the very loud and long periods of thunder that roared through the valley along with some wild streaks of lightning! While we had some wind and rain too, we also had sunshine and muggy conditions, so it was quite a mix of weather here. It also depended on where you were, because ten miles one way or the other, could find you in completely different conditions. I hope you were in one of the drier and nicer spots. Lightning is...

  • Sheriff's Report

    Aug 22, 2024

    August 12 6:46 a.m. Cathlamet emergency services responded to an elderly person who had fallen. 9:09 a.m. A caller reported a commercial vehicle speeding on Puget Island. 12:35 p.m. A Skamokawa resident reported people driving four wheelers and dirt bikes on their road. Deputies responded and said they would increase patrols in the area. 3:59 p.m. A caller on Puget Island reported several vehicles not stopping at the stop signs on the Bernie Slough bridge. 7:06 p.m. a caller in Cathlamet reported a vehicle going up and down Columbia Street at...

  • Megan Blackburn

    Jennifer Figueroa|Aug 22, 2024

    Megan Blackburn is the latest individual to be featured in The Eagle's Community Member Spotlight. She has lived in Wahkiakum County for 11 years and is a very active community member. Growing up with parents in the military, Megan moved around regularly, never really putting down roots. As an adult, Megan lived in New York for a while, getting by as a musician and trying not to get lost in the hustle and bustle. When she became tired of the big city life, Megan sold almost everything she...

  • Craig Sears, Old timer

    Jennifer Figueroa|Aug 22, 2024

    Wahkiakum County is an exceptional community and its long-standing history is cherished by those who call it home. From the expansive timber forests to the Columbia River, stories of times past course through the community's veins like the flowing river it sits on. Buried within the history of the long-standing families of Wahkiakum are not only captivating tales but also an expanse of knowledge, demonstrating how growing up in this community can shape some pretty remarkable people. As the stories of Wahkiakum’s past are told, knowledge and w...

  • After 20 year wait, Town opens new skatepark

    Aug 15, 2024

    The Town of Cathlamet is pleased to announce that the long-awaited skateboard park at Erickson Park has been completed and is ready for use. The original concrete slab for the Skateboard facility at Erickson Park was laid in 2004 as a result of a community fundraising and construction, led by now-County Commissioner Lee Tischer and many others. All construction on the slab, where the new skate park now sits, was completed entirely by volunteers. The site languished for many years, despite the...

  • Rodney Guy

    Aug 15, 2024

    Rodney Guy Dunham was born June 14, 1937, in Grays River Washington and died at home on August 6, 2024 at the age of 87. Rodney was born to Guy and Edith (Magnuson) in Grays River and attended the Grays River Elementary school until eight grade. He met Elizabeth Ann (Beth) Quigley at the county fair, and they married July 11th 1959 on Puget Island and settled in Grays River. Rodney was a foreman for the Wahkiakum Road Department for the majority of his career. He was a lover of vintage cars and enjoyed taking people for rides. Rodney is...

  • Local organization holds prom for senior

    Kathy Briggs|Aug 15, 2024

    On August 24, from 6-9 p.m., the Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington and the Cathlamet Woman’s Club will be sponsoring the second annual Cathlamet Senior Prom at the Hope Center. Attendees will be serenaded by the musical talents of Cedar Mora, whose melodies will fill the room as dancers sway to the euphony of his notes. Beverages and light refreshments will be served as guests mingle and connect over the cheerful atmosphere. In-house photographer Ken Jayne will be t...

  • Skamokawa News

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 15, 2024

    GRAY BEGINNINGS. While some folks are missing the morning sunshine and hot weather, I am enjoying the cloudy skies and cooler temperatures that have opted to show up. Far more comfortable when one is outside having to do all that yard work that is never-ending. However, that yard work is best done in the early mornings, as the sun often peeks out later on. It got quite warm and muggy despite the thermometer reading in the so-called moderate zone. Once that humidity kicks in, it’s miserable. The only spoiler alert I see is that we have a 35 p...

  • Sheriff's report

    Aug 15, 2024

    August 5 10:53 a.m. The district four fire chief let the Sheriff’s office know that he spoke with people at Wage’s swimming hole who were cooking over a campfire. 11:19 a.m. A Elochoman Valley homeowner spoke to the Sheriff’s department about trespassing and harassment by their neighbors. Deputies told the person it was a civil matter and let them know how to proceed with the courts. 6:52 p.m. Cathlamet emergency services responded to a Puget Island address where an elderly person had fallen. 6:54 p.m. A caller at the Elochoman Slough marin...

  • Cathlamet weighs utilities consolidation with PUD

    Katie Frankowicz for KMUN special to The Eagle|Aug 8, 2024

    The Town of Cathlamet and the Wahkiakum County Public Utility District are contemplating consolidating the town's sewer and water systems under the PUD, a proposal that has left people with questions and concerns about the rates they would pay-and what the loss of revenue could mean for Cathlamet. At a meeting on Tuesday, the two entities discussed a draft study that looked at a possible consolidation. Residents and town leaders expressed a range of emotions, from dread over the possibility of r...

  • Cathlamet Wooden & Classic Boat Show this weekend

    Michael Armstrong|Aug 8, 2024

    The Cathlamet Wooden & Classic Boat Show is set for this weekend at the Elochoman Marina in Cathlamet. This year’s festival is shaping up to be a great time with plenty of classic boats for all to enjoy. We are welcoming all classic craft including those of various construction materials. Also wanted are boats of all modes of propulsion and function, be it boats used for work, pleasure or recreation. Notable boats from past shows have included a vintage Columbia River sailing gillnetter, a 1...

  • Skamokawa News

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 8, 2024

    STILL SUNNY. Well, if you're a sun and heat lover, I guess you love this weather. The forecast looks warm and sunny too, so I hope you're getting out and enjoying it. I’m one of the people who hide from the sun so I love the morning clouds and the cooler weather after the sun goes down behind our hill. With all the dryness comes extreme fire danger, which is such an easy tragedy to avoid. So please don't be one of "those people" who think they can light campfires and wind up causing massive wildfires in our parks. Please be extremely c...

  • Sheriff's Report

    Aug 8, 2024

    July 29 7:44 a.m. A caller at the Elochoman Slough marina contacted the Sheriff’s department to see if the Sheriff’s boat net could be used to retrieve a cell phone dropped in the water. 9:09 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance transported a person with abdominal issues to the hospital. 12:51 p.m. A homeowner in Skamokawa called to report an ongoing issue with their neighbors horse crossing onto their property. 1:54 p.m. A road rage incident was reported west of County Line Park. The caller reported that a motorist was tailgating and honking the...

  • What's happening at the library

    Miss Vicky, Cathlamet librarian|Aug 8, 2024

    The summer reading program concluded last week with an 80th Birthday party for Smokey Bear attended by more than forty community members. The Collaborative Summer Reading program was supported by the generous donation of time by several short-term volunteers including community elders, teens, and parents. The library is so grateful for the time and talents our many volunteer staff members, past and present, bring to our community as they serve. The library could not function without you. The lib...

  • Live music series at the Pioneer Center with Leah and Mel

    Aug 8, 2024

    The Cathlamet Pioneer Center invites you to enjoy a Live Themed Music Show followed by Open Mic on Saturdays from August 10 to October 19th at 4 p.m. Donations are encouraged to support our historic church. Leah and Mel will perform a new theme every Saturday, including music from the ‘60s and ‘70s, Broadway hits, movie themes, and more. Leah and Mel are a professional music duo. Their sound is always the crowd-pleasing melodies of Leah Stonum, pianist and vocalist, and Mel Drybread, bas...

  • Another view of Senator Wilson

    Shirley Rheault|Aug 1, 2024

    I am writing this letter in response to last week’s presumptive letter about Senator Jeff Wilson by Garrett Radcliffe. I have never met Mr. Radcliffe, and it didn’t sound like he’s met Senator Wilson either. But I have had the pleasure of meeting Senator Wilson twice, right here in Cathlamet, in the last three months. Jeff Wilson is helping Wahkiakum County at the State level to attain forest land in the Grays River Watershed for a Community Forest via grants and State funding. Senator Wilson sees the importance of the Community Forest that wil...

  • Wilhelm C. Kolditz

    Aug 1, 2024

    Wilhelm C. Kolditz, 76, of Cathlamet died at his home on July 26th. He was born in Jakarta, Indonesia on February 17, 1948 to Wilhelm and Cornelie (VanDerHoeven) Kolditz. Will graduated from Brigham Young Young University in Provo Utah in 1972. On December 30, 1971 he married Lily Schellenberg at The Salt lake City Temple and they lived in many places over the course of his work at Toyota USA .Will was a valued employee in management for Toyota until he retired from there in 2003. They moved from Vancouver WA to Cathlamet in 2008 where they...

  • What's happening at the fair?

    Patty Dursteler|Aug 1, 2024

    Greetings from the fair office! Wow, it's hard to believe August is already here. With that said, the animal entry due date has come and gone and it looks like we will have a lot of animals for the fair this year. If anyone wants to be a vendor this year, there are still a few vendor spots left; just call the office and I will get back to you ASAP. If you have called for a spot and have not returned the contracts, please let me know that you are planning on coming as I am going to start setting up spots by the end of next week. Entries to the f...

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