Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Downriver Dispatches

News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle

Celebrate: Let's start by honoring a couple folks who mean so much to this community: Kay Weimer and Wilho Saari who both had birthdays this past weekend. Wilho turned 89 and Kay turned 81, so there were celebrations for each of them. Each of them has given so much to our area and both are loved by so many. God bless you both.

Sad Loss: Beth Wirkkala passed away last weekend at 60 years old, way too young. Our hearts and memories and prayers are with her family at this time. We lose too many to cancer, more then we're even aware of, I suspect.

Meserve Park Update: Many in the community are concerned about the old travel trailer that suddenly appeared at Meserve Park. The Grays River Grange owns that property. The trailer is known to the Grange and is being dealt with by Grange members. The trailer owner's situation is awkward, but in partnership with the sheriff's office, and the county, Krist Novoselic and others from the Grange are working to resolve the issue of moving the trailer out of the park property. Finding another place for it is a challenge, so be patient while they do their best. Perhaps it will be gone by the time this Eagle arrives. Grange members spend hours mowing and maintaining Ahlberg Park at the Covered Bridge and Meserve Park. We owe them all a heartfelt "Thank You." The Grange gained two new members recently: Kelly and Charles Shumar who live on Barr Road. Welcome!

Bull Riding Event Canceled: I know this news will be covered by others in The Eagle, but thought I'd add it here as well. It's too bad. I know folks were looking forward to that event. There will be refunds for those who purchased tickets in advance. Don't forget the fireworks on Saturday at 10 p.m. at the Cathlamet marina. They are always right over the Columbia and a good ending to a fun weekend for the family.

July 24 – a Busy Day: There are several activities on that Saturday. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Finnish America Folk Festival group will sponsor another market at the Naselle Community Center. At 1 p.m. the Appelo Archives Center is offering a concert with Marja Liisa Kay as soloist singing Songs of Finland, Stephen Lewis will accompany her; the program will be at Valley Bible Church. Tickets by donation. At 5:30 in the afternoon, Travis Boggs from Country Catering will prepare food at the Naselle Community Center. He will sell hot dogs and cheeseburger combos before the Carl Wirkkala concert following at 6:30. Carl will perform with his Whistle Punk band. CD's will be for sale but donations are requested for concert.

Deep River Church Update: Eva Malerich reports the steeple is being restored on our little "Church in the Pasture." Twelve workers came from Clatsop Community College over two weekends in May to work on removing rotten boards in areas on the steeple and replace them with temporary covering until permanent shakes can be added. The bell has been stabilized, and the ball at the top of the steeple has been gilded by a man in Astoria. A lift was donated for that work by Glenrose Hedlund's son-in-law, but a lift will be needed again in order to finish all the restoration work. Hopefully it will all be completed by 2022. Yes, the church will be ready for this year's Christmas program on December 5. Since we did not have our annual program at the church last year, we will be happy to have it for this year's holiday. Eva mentioned that funds are needed to rent a lift for the project's completion so donations would be appreciated. Checks can be sent to Thelma Miller at 5212 SR 4 West, Naselle WA 98638.

Senior Lunch Schedules for July: CAP (Community Action Program) provides box lunches each Thursday at noon at Rosburg Hall. CAP menus are July 15: chicken strips, orange couscous salad, tropical fruit salad, five-way veggies; July 22: chicken parmesan, broccoli spears, orange grapefruit salad; July 29: beef and tater bake, sliced tomatoes, sliced apricots. For reservations, call Diane Hollenbeck at (362) 762-3111. The Senior Lunch Club meets two Wednesdays a month. The second luncheon in July will be on July 21, a potluck. Leave a small donation if you can and give a big thank you to all the volunteer cooks and helpers in the kitchen. They do a great job.

Photo of the Week: This is Torppa Construction's bridge project on the 7200 line up Fossil Creek Road. It is the biggest bridge the company has built. In the past few years, Torppa Construction has built several smaller bridges, so this100-foot project has been a challenge for them. Bob Torppa is very happy with the result as his crew has done a wonderful job. Paul Footh was the lead operator for this one on the 470 excavator. Steve Gacke, engineer for the project, has been a key element in the project's success. The bridge needed his technical knowledge and leadership for the crew. With his gift for using equipment efficiently, Bob worked alongside crews on cats and excavators. This project is another example of the work done by those involved in the timber industry. Many work in timber besides the loggers who cut trees and get them onto the trucks to transport them. Torppa Construction's main work is building and maintaining logging roads, essential for trucks to safely move logs from the upper hills to the sawmills miles away. Steve's job as engineer is a necessary one, along with foresters who work for the timber owners. Another is the mechanic who maintains the equipment. Each is needed. As a member of the Torppa shop crew, I'm happy we have a new bridge on the 7200 that will safely move all who use it. Congratulations to all involved.

Word for the Week: Safety.


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