Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Council, developer reach agreement for sewer, water lines

On Friday, the Cathlamet Town Council held a special meeting to consider possible action on an agreement between the Town and Sunnyfield LLC for a 32 parcel development on Greenwood Road. After much public comment and council discussion, the town voted 4-1 in favor of entering into agreement with the developers.

One of the stipulations included in the agreement includes the town's responsibility to provide water and sewer service to the property. Once the town's main trunk reaches the property the developers agree to construct all improvements for water and sewer at sole cost and expense. After inspection and acceptance of the sewer and water lines by the town, all lines will be transferred to the town.

The developers have agreed to pay 30 sewer connections at $500 each and 30 water connections at $1,500 each within 10 days of the approval of the agreement.

One major point of contention among council members and members of the public was the fee rate the developers were receiving from the town. Typically, out-of-town water and sewer development fees are $10,000 per unit. The town has agreed to reduce those development fees in exchange for a 30 lot water and sewer system at no cost to the town.

Once each lot has a home built and water and sewer usage begins, the town is projected to receive $65,000 annually based on 2021 rates for 30 residential lots.


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