Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

WSU Master Gardener On-line Workshops: September

On Tuesdays at noon, and Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android from this link:

Meeting ID: 775 605 6320

Password: 12345

Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320#

For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners.

· September 7-Noon, Ask a WSU Master Gardener

Have gardening questions? A panel of WSU Master Gardeners are prepared to answer all your gardening questions. Find out how to solve your gardening problems.

· September 8-6 p.m., Controlling Moles

WSU Master Gardener Bryan Iverson will talk about which techniques are the most effective to get rid of moles: what works and what products fail to get results.

· September 14-Noon, Planting in Shady Areas

WSU Master Gardener Roxanne Nakamura will discuss the challenges for plants under trees, selection of plants that prefer shade, watering, care, and tips to help your plants thrive.

· September 15-6 p.m., Extending your Garden Season

WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will talk about extending the growing season through the fall. Art will discuss extending your garden season, cover crops, and winter gardening.

· September 21-Noon, How to compost successfully

WSU Master Gardener Brian Schlaefli will teach how to effectively compost food wastes and garden material. Learn the different ways to compost and the advantages of each method that can provide great benefits to your garden.

· September 22-6 p.m., The truth and Myths about Spiders

WSU Master Gardener Alice Slusher will talk about the spiders here in the PNW, dispel many long-held myths and explain how to make your home less welcoming to them.

· September 28-Noon, How to Run a Successful Meeting

WSU Extension Agent Gary Fredricks will give you tips on how to run an efficient and effective meeting. Learn tips to prepare before the meeting to avoid difficulties, methods to avoid possible problems encountered during the meeting, techniques to reduce the length of the meeting, and how to avoid and manage conflict.

· September 29-6 p.m., Putting your Garden to Bed

WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will tell you the steps to put your garden to bed this fall. Learn successful tips to reduce work next year and ensure next year’s successful crops.


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