Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Downriver Dispatches

News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle

Dear Neighbors: (written on Monday) We all love July 4 for any number of reasons. I like having a long weekend to work in my yard and watch the fireworks down valley at the Zimmerman farm. They always have great fireworks. I sat on a lawn chair in my front yard and watched a long time, but I realized the echoes were exciting all by themselves. Every boom went from one side of the valley to the other reverberating well. Kevin Pellervo had a great fireworks show, too, in their field in Naselle. We were lucky not to have rain. We are so blessed here. (now on Tuesday) Oh my heavenly days! Last night we had another fireworks show closer to my house. A neighbor up above my house started their show before it got real dark, then later a neighbor across the valley started another one! Wow, why travel? Just stay home and watch the neighborhood! Gotta' love Grays River.

Bald Eagle Days: What's left of this summer that just got started will be a busy one for sure. Bald Eagle Days will be held on July 15-16 in Cathlamet. My favorite part is the parade that starts at 12 p.m., noon, on Saturday. Kids have a fun time and adults, too. Food, shops, play areas and the Farmers Market on Friday afternoon, are good events, too.

FAFF: Then at the end of July the Finnish American Folk Festival will again happen in Naselle taking over the school grounds. I am hoping to hear Irene Martin speak as one of the lecturers, and I am eager to hear the Skamokawa Swamp Opera sing the Sheriff's Report song.

Loggers Reunion: In August, the Appelo Archives Center will have their annual Loggers' Reunion and that will mean barbecue and friends and lots of fun. I remember the first year I worked on one, Jerry DeBriae and Martin Nyberg sat upstairs on the Deep River "speeder" and they had a great time just talking together. I also remember spending time with Jerry when he took me for a pickup ride out in the woods to take pictures with his black lab not too happy about me sitting in the front seat. Thinking about that book we did, "When Logging Was Logging" brings up feelings of loss and sadness as I think of all the loggers and their wives we've lost since it was published in 2011. They are all missed.

State Senator Jeff Wilson came to the Archive Center last week to visit with folks from our area. Appointments were offered so I called and made one for first thing at 10 a.m. I started by telling him how much we appreciated his attending the community meeting for the Youth Camp. He immediately began telling me that he has been developing a bill he hopes to introduce as soon as he can get it ready. He couldn't tell me anything about it yet, but he's excited. It was obvious he is concerned about jobs lost, so he wants to develop programs for the Youth Camp that would employ local folks. He also was concerned that the group that's doing the planning for the "future" Youth Camp is not in touch with our community as much as he'd like. He was on his way to the beach for the weekend and planned on visiting with folks there, too. He was pulling a trailer with a home-made army tank on it. It is a nice big replica made of plywood. He is very proud of it and he likes to ride it on the beach! I like him. We don't always agree, but he cares about this community and is willing to do what he can to help us. Cliff and Kay Weimer were one of the couples that came to talk with him. Many others from the community wanted to chat as well, including Rob Dalton, Kati Updike, Steve Gacke, Mike Swanson and many others. I hope he and the other District officials will come often when they drive through the area.

Photo of the Week: Senator Jeff Wilson, on the right, chatting with Steve Gacke at the Senator's visit at the Archive Center. I know there must have been all sorts of topics folks wanted to talk to Wilson about. Kay Weimer told me she wanted to talk about what's happening nationally. Another wanted to talk about the Naselle Fish Hatchery. So great to see folks showing up for their 15 minutes of fame with Wilson. I am sure he heard them all. So proud of us as citizens doing what we can – when we can - to speak up and share our thoughts and concerns.

Naselle Clinic: On the Naselle Clinic's sign, it says, "Taking new patients at Naselle and Ilwaco Clinics." Please consider the Naselle Clinic if you are new to this area. It's like a new building since the renovation. Lori Sharrow is a Nurse Practitioner who will see you. Many of her current patients like her very much. I've heard no complaints. There are no rotating doctors or surprises when you arrive. The building was donated by the Bank of the Pacific, and we have benefited so much by having a nice clinic in "downtown" Naselle. They take Medicare patients so call for an appointment at (360) 484-7161 if you're looking for a convenient clinic. We are also blessed with four fairly close-by hospitals in Ilwaco, Astoria (includes excellent OHSU Cancer Center), Longview and Seaside.

Calendar: Senior Lunches at Rosburg Hall: First and third Wednesdays at noon. All seniors are welcome. The next Senior Lunch will be on July 20. CAP box lunches are available for pick up at Rosburg Hall on Thursdays at noon. Contact Denise at (360) 762-3111.

Finnish American Folk Festival: July 29, 30 and 31. It's been four years since the last one because of covid, so plan on going and enjoying the traditions of our Finnish heritage here.

July 14: Grays River Habitat Enhancement District meeting at 5:15 at Johnson Park.

July 15/16: Bald Eagle Days in Cathlamet. Parade on Saturday at 11 a.m.

July 19: Naselle/GR School Board meeting at 6:30 at the school.

July 20: Senior Lunch at Rosburg Hall at noon.

July 29, 30 and 31: FAFF.

Word for the Week: Friendly.


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