Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Fair week and berry sales taking place

Skamokawa News

WARM WEEK--As the week begins, we’re seeing very warm temperatures again with my thermometers looking at temps in the low to mid-80s and that’s plenty for me. However, temps could rise a little higher just prior to the paper coming out and then by Friday, it’s supposed to cool down. Current weather models even show a chance of some showers on Friday, with temps at 70 degrees but who knows if that will show up or not, and beings it’s fair time, most would hope it does not, but it wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve been in a drought, only to have the rain appear during the fair! Anyway, guess we’ll wait and see.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Aug. 18-24 are Becky Ledtke, Clarity Schmitz, Jessica Schiek, Kay Walters, Riley Emlen Petterson, Cindy Faubion, Linda DeBriae, Toni Sue Ostling, Travis Gorley, Brandon Olsen, Kyleigh Cothren, Kody Vik, Kylee Johnson, John Gustafson, Bryce Heiner, Larry Havens, Kathy Durrah, Ashley Silva, Keith Kehrli, Greg Parker, Julie McKagan, Vickie Gregory, Bobbie Leingang, Ellie Scudder, Patty Kellum and Sean Pedersen.

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Russ Durrah, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Brenden McClain, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Heiner, Mr. and Mrs. Sean Miller, Marcus and Mercedes Wilder, Bryan Bach and Libby Davison and Ty and Kendra Finkas. May all your birthday and anniversary celebrations bring you much joy and happiness.

FAIR TIME--This is it; time for the Wahkiakum County Fair in Skamokawa from Aug. 18-20, so we hope you plan on attending one of those three days. There are special events on each of those days, so whether you come Thursday, Friday or Saturday, there will be something special going on. I hope you either got a fair book or you’ll check out all the events that will be listed inside the fairgrounds. As I write this, folks are very busy getting their items turned into the fair and and others are setting up their displays, etc.; always a busy, busy time prior to the fair.

In case you’re wondering why there aren’t all those carnival rides, etc., here; it’s because we have to pay them to come here and then they often take money away from our local food booths and local games, so it’s really not too cost effective for our fair. Here’s to a successful year and we hope you’ll be there to support this traditional small town fair of ours.

SUNDAY AT THE GRANGE--On the day after the fair, August 21, why not join in with other musicians and unwind with a little more music at the Skamokawa Grange Hall, as they host their “August Open Mic” event? They will have sign up times beginning at 3:45 and then begin the rotation at 4 p.m. You don’t have to be a performer either, as they are hoping you’ll come by and listen in and tap your toes to some great music and have a good time. There’s always a “Jam Session” at the end and those are always fun, so the Grangers and the musicians would love to see you there this Sunday!

The next event will be their "Drum Circle” event which will take place on August 28 at 4 p.m. Let the rhythm soothe your soul!

BERRY SALES--It’s that time of year when the Lions Club has their frozen berry sale, but you only have until Aug. 22 to get those orders in. If you’re interested, be sure to get a form right away (which was in The Eagle) or call 360-849-4003 and make arrangements with them. There are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and a 3-berry blend available. There are also three places for you to pick them up on August 27: WHS parking lot, Skamokawa Grange parking lot and Rosburg Store parking lot. These berries must be paid for in advance, so don’t delay!

SNACK DONATIONS--There’s currently a request to help the Kindergarten class with some snacks for the young ones and that includes having some extra water too, so if you’d like to help out there, you can take your donation to Patty Cakes on Main Street and leave them there for pick up by Autumn Howell-Vey. For right now, items like juice boxes, granola bars, fruit snack packs, pudding cups, chips and other non-perishable type snack items are best. Later on when school starts, fresh fruit would be a nice addition to their snacks as well.

GET WELL WISHES--We were sorry to hear that fellow writer, Karen Bertroch wound up going to the hospital and dealing with Covid issues, so we hope she’s doing much better now. We’ve heard of several folks who have had one thing or another wrong with them lately, and while they wish to remain anonymous, we certainly hope they are feeling better from their recent surgeries and illnesses, as it’s no fun being laid up but being laid up during all the nice weather, is even harder.

SALMON DERBY--Next week, August 25, 26 and 27, there will be another big event in the area as the “Hook the Hawg” Salmon Derby will take place. Last year it was a huge hit, so let’s hope this year is too! For all the information, you can check out their huge ad in this paper, or you can contact the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce at 360-795-9996 or check them out online.


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