Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Covid update

By Diana Zimmerman

The number of cases of covid-19 reported in Wahkiakum County rose by three in the last week, bringing the cumulative number to 630.

The number of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the virus stand at 48 and 10, respectively.

Disclaimer: With the easy accessibility of at home tests, the actual number of active covid-19 cases and actual cumulative numbers in the county are hard to know.

While 70.3 percent of the population in the state of Washington has received the primary series of the covid-19 vaccine, only 27.6 percent of people eligible for the bivalent booster have received one. In Wahkiakum County, 52.8 percent of the population has received the primary series and 30.2 percent of people eligible for the bivalent booster have had one.

The primary series of the Pfizer vaccine and the new Pfizer bivalent booster, including the version for juveniles, are available at the vaccine clinic offered by Wahkiakum Health and Human Services.

The clinic is held on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.and 1:30-3 p.m. Call 360-849-4041 for more information.

After the health department’s recent move, their vaccine clinics will now be held at their new location on their Elochoman Valley Campus, at 42 Elochoman Valley Road.

According to WHHS Director Chris Bischoff, the waiting room/check-in area for the clinic is in the first building that people see when they turn into the south driveway, called Building 1. Parking is to the right. The entrance is at the northeast corner of the building. People will be greeted and given the forms they need to fill out for the their visit.

Please note: There will be no shot clinic on January 2 or January 16.

The primary series of the Moderna vaccine and the new Moderna bivalent booster are now available at the Cathlamet Pharmacy by appointment, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and 2-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call 360-795-3691 for more information or to make an appointment.

Flu shots are available at the pharmacy by appointment. The flu shot and the booster can be given at the same time. WHHS is offering both the high dose and regular adult flu shots and the juvenile flu shots during their clinics.

“This is the worst season for respiratory diseases that we’ve seen in some time if you ignore 2020 and 2021,” Bischoff said. “In addition to the three main issues, RSV, flu, and covid-19, there are some nasty colds running around as well. Hospitals have not recovered from 2020 and 2021 yet and are being maxed out again for this triple threat. The best way to avoid getting or at least reducing the symptoms of covid-19 and the flu is by getting vaccinated. In addition, many of the things we suggested for covid-19 will still help people.”

“Wash your hands often,” Bischoff continued. “Avoid large crowds or very crowded areas. I know it’s the holidays, but smaller gatherings are better. The dreaded mask is also somewhat effective against most of these items.”


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