News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle
Looking at the Letters to the Editor, I see that I've created a hornet's nest. The two last articles about school board meetings have been my own opinion more than a report. The second one was not titled as an opinion piece, but those who read it know that, I'm sure.
Now back to my regular Dispatch written last Saturday. Great God All'mighty what a gorgeous day. It's Saturday. "It's a lovely day today, so whatever you've got to do, you've got a lovely day to do it in, it's true, so if you've got something that must be done and it can only be done by one, there is only one thing to say, it's a lovely day for sayin' it's a lovely day." Is thatDisney? I bet you can sing that tune if you're a bit older than today's Top 40. Do they still play Top 40's on the radio? What was that man's name? CaseyCasum. Let's just ask Wikipedia: Kemal Amin Casey Kasem (April 27, 1932-June 15, 2014 was an American disc jockey, actor and radio presenter, who created and hosted several radio programs such as Casey's Top 40. He died in 2014. Really? But then,I am almost 78. As a youngster, I loved the Top 40.
Today is Saturday, October 28. On such a beautiful day, I invited Bendog to join me for a ride. His schedule was really packed, but he agreed and waited till I got his ramp ready, then he entered the car like a Hollywood movie star. We started at Rosburg Hall to visit their annual Christmas Bazaar. It was so crowded I had to search for a parking spot. I bought a lovely homemade doll with pockets for tiny, even feral cats made by Debbie Doughty (sp?) from Cathlamet. I got to visit with Andrea and Bill Vincent and other neighbors. As we headed home, I stopped at Tony Zhao's farm, and complimented him on his new old farmhouse that he's painted Chinese Red. That's the name of the color. The old farmhouse now has a big second story and the porch has been enclosed so the house is much bigger with red and green for Christmas and all his trees around it. I noticed that the land next to Tony's red house down the road has a for sale sign. As we drove on around Covered Bridge Road, we saw Ken Pierce, an elderly gentleman who lives in the house on the south end of the covered bridge. He had walked to the road for his mail and recognized me as I stopped to visit. "I know you, you write those articles in the paper. I remember when you mentioned Pete Seeger and one of his songs. Once in 1958 or'59, I was in school and walking in Big Sur, California. I saw him singing for a group of kids. I always liked him." I sang the song for him and he smiled. We talked about the big maple trees at his driveway. One came down in heavy wind a few weeks ago. The tree that's left is big, but empty inside from rot. What a gift to me he was. We talked about how old those trees are and that Bobby Larson had probably taken care of them for decades when he owned the land where Ken's house sits. We agreed that would have been a long time ago. He told me he likes it when I write about the people who were here before us. What a good mind for his young age, I must say. As he stood with his mail and walking stick, I could see in my mind the photos of the old gentlemen of Europe after World War II with their walking sticks, and I felt honored to be with him.
From Marie Green, from Naselle GRV School: "Congratulations to our football team on their great win against the Warriors on a very chilly Friday night clenching 2nd place leading into our crossover district game. Congrats also to our Volleyball team for securing 3rd place leading into their district playoffs. And last but not least, congratulations to Derek Suomela (7th), Caesar Garcia (18th) and Karsen Green (10th) on qualifying for the cross country state meet next weekend." Good luck, Comets!
Don't forget the Appelo Archives is having their annual Auction and Dinner at Rosburg Hall on Saturday, November 4 at 5. They have received many lovely donations for the auction. Tickets are $20 before the day and $25 at the door, so reserve tickets at (360) 484-7103.
Before closing, Let's remember Merlin Durrah who recently passed away. Twenty years ago, I joined the Grays River Grange. Merlin was a reserved, kind man who was always happy to share his knowledge about the rituals the Granges used to follow. He took care of both the Grays River (Grange) cemetery and Meserve Park. Devoted to the Grange, his family and the community, he will be missed by so many. Love also to Judy, his wife of 58 years.
Calendar of Events:
Mondays/Wednesdays: Balance Class at Naselle Community Center 2-3.
Tuesdays: Naselle Lutheran Church sponsors morning quilters and knitters in afternoons.
Second Tuesday: American Legion meets at 6 at Rosburg Hall.
Third Tuesday: Naselle Grays River School Board meets at 6:30 in school library.
Wednesdays: AA meeting at the Grays River Grange at noon.
Wednesdays: Play Group for little ones at the Naselle Library from 10:30 to 11:30.
Second Wednesday of the month: Grays River Flood Control District meets at Fire Hall across
from Duffy's at 5:30. Also available by Zoom.
First and third Wednesdays in November: Senior Lunch at Rosburg Hall at noon. Nov.15
Second Thursday: Johnson Park Board meeting at 10.
Thursdays: CAP Senior Lunches are located at Rosburg Hall at noon on Thursdays.
November 4: Appelo Archives' Harvest Auction and Dinner at Rosburg Hall at 5.
November 4: Turn clocks back one hour before Sunday morning.
November 5: Krist Novoselic and Jennifer Goodenberger at 4 at Naselle Community Center.
November 11: Naselle Lutheran's Bazaar will feature homemade donuts,crafts and quilts. 10-2.
November 11-12 and 18-19: FAFF Tapestry Show at Naselle Community Center.
December 2: FAFF Christmas Bazaar from 9-2. Vendors contact:
December 3: FAFF Christmas program at Deep River Church at 1.
December 17: Lighted Christmas Parade at 4:30 along Knappton Road in Naselle.
Words for the Week: Walking Sticks
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