Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Chores were late Monday

To The Eagle:

When things fall apart on Monday morning, it's really great to have family and friends that are willing to come to your rescue!

First off is when the telephone rang and it was my niece Carol Ann saying Doug had locked the keys in the car. The first thing you wonder is what do you do? So we called the Sheriff's Office to see if they had keys available and they did, so one of the deputies came down and made an attempt, but it didn't quite fit.

So I called John and Bekalyn Zimmerman and John came over and worked at it and in the mean time I called Mosby Insurance in Longview and they gave me the phone number of a locksmith and also told me that I had roadside insurance which was very good to hear so I called that number and they said they could find the closest one available. Pretty soon I had a call that one was on his way so then I called Geri Lee to see if she would go over to Doug's and tell him and John that a locksmith was on his way.

I just want all of you to know how wonderful it is to have family and friends willing to come to your rescue and also a big thank you to the Sheriff's Office and the Mosby Allied Insurance who totally cooperated to do what they could. And at 2 p.m. I finished washing the breakfast dishes.

Bob Larson

Grays River


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