Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Skamokawa News

Rain and snow incoming, Senior Friendship breakfast, Mule Power auction success, Skamokawa Grange Hall

COLD ENOUGH? Well, as I begin this column, it is dropping in the lower twenties, and I must tell you, I’m not a fan of that kind of cold... brr! As a matter of fact, it dropped 20 degrees in only 90 minutes here in West Valley earlier. The decent temperatures we saw earlier in the day were gone in a flash as the temperatures plummeted. From the sound of it, many folks were having plumbing problems, which I’m guessing were related to the extreme cold and resulted in frozen and broken pipes. I do hope you’re all doing better in that regard by now. With the coming forecast showing some rain, some snow, and more frigid temperatures, I can’t tell you how less than thrilled I am to hear about the coming weather.

SPECIAL DAYS. Those celebrating birthdays this coming week from Jan. 30 through Feb. 8 are: Kyle Gribskov, Varsha Martin, KC Garrison, Courtney Zurick, Alyssa Montgomery, Ed Stornetta, Alecia Montgomery, Bob Montgomery, Angela Metcalf, Lynne Lessmueller, Dale Hughs, Joseph Araya, Sierra Humphery, John Elfers Jr., Bob Garrett, Nicole Emery, Molly Hummell, Pam Moore, Jamie Spangle, Shawn Noonan, Carl Bullock Jr., Jennifer Kuhl, Vern Freeman, Becca Johnson, Timm Batt, Delaynee Whittle, Terry Nisley, Amber Homes, Glen Holt, Jessica Vik, Jordan Mueller, Christina Zacher, Kenneth Zacher, Dixie Johnson, Terry Ostling, Elizabeth Anger, Caitlin Hembree, Bret Hart, Tyler Havens, Ann Pedersen, Dale Waddell Jr., Solvig Anderson, Tom Petrenchak, Jennifer Figueroa, Kennedy Rusk, Madilyn Freeman, Troy Kyle, Alexyss Baldwin, David A. Pedersen Aunika Taylor, Scott Pedersen, Pamela (Everest) Priestly and Annette (Healy) Miller. Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful birthday in the days ahead. I got the news a little too late for last week’s column, so a very Happy Belated Birthday to Debra Douglas, who celebrated her big day on Jan. 28. Those celebrating anniversaries, according to the Lions Club calendar in the coming days are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Randy Montgomery. I do hope you have a very memorable special day. I also got this notice too late as well, so belated Happy Anniversary wishes go out to David and Kathi West and also to Del and Susie Bates. Hope it was great!

GET WELL WISHES. We heard that a couple of folks we know have been in the hospital recently, so here’s wishing Courtney Zurick some “feel better soon” wishes as she’s undergone several surgeries and has been hospitalized for some time. We also heard that Bobby McNally was also in the hospital, and his mom, Lorraine McNally, was asking for some prayers on his behalf, of so we certainly hope he’s finding some answers to his health issues and will be on the mend soon. Also, earlier this month, Sherry Emery Ostling wound up making a trip to the hospital while she was down in Texas visiting her daughter, Tracy, and that was a big scare. But after a few days in there, she was admitted to a care/rehab center while she recuperated. We hope that she’ll be back in Cathlamet by the time you read this. I hope all those feeling poorly will be on the mend soon.

DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS. As we all know, the Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars group, spearheaded by Lee and Diane Tischer, has successfully raised funds for scholarships for the graduating classes at WA-KI-HI for many years. This past year was no exception; the “Mule Power” online auction has raised $13,000. Wow! Good job, everybody; your donations always make it a fun bidding event, and great prizes always bring in a nice chunk of change. Now, this year on June 28, the WDFS is celebrating its 25th anniversary with an event that will be held at River Mile 38 Brewery that day. There will be a live auction, a silent auction, and a Rods and Reel reunion Car Show so that should be great fun! I’m told that there will be food available from noon until 4 p.m. that day. There will be much more information on that event coming soon, but in the meantime, mark that date down on your calendar, think about something that you’d be willing to donate to their auctions for this event, and if you have questions, contact Diane at 360-562-6467.

SENIOR FOLKS GATHER. This is just a quick reminder that the Cathlamet Senior Friendship Group would love to have you stop by and visit with them on Wednesdays from noon to 3 p.m. over in the lower floor of the Our Saviors Lutheran Church located at 549 SR 409 on Puget Island. You can’t miss that big white church, entrance is in the back. All are welcome but they do have some rules: be kind, be mindful of others, and no political hoopla, so be polite and you’ll be most welcome to join them. You can bring a snack to share or just your own lunch and chat with others, play a game of cards, or take part in a craft. Just gabbing is good and a great way to get to know some new folks.

THURSDAY AT THE GRANGE. A bit larger group showed up at the Skamokawa Grange Hall this past week as folks got over the holidays and back into the swing of things. If you’re interested in taking part in a cup of coffee and some food at their weekly Community Breakfast event, well then come down on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. If you’re new to the area, the Grange Hall is located at 18 Fairgrounds Road, which is near the Fairgrounds entrance just past the historic “O” Saloon.


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