Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(9043) stories found containing 'Cathlamet'

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  • Sheriff's report

    Aug 1, 2024

    July 22 10:34 a.m. A tablet computer was found in Skamokawa. Deputies connected the caller with the owner of the computer. 5:10 p.m. Cathlamet emergency services responded to a business on Main Street where a person was experiencing chest pains. July 23 10:32 a.m. Sheriff’s deputies removed people from a Puget Island property for trespassing. 1:25 p.m. A 24 hour removal notice was posted on an abandoned RV at the fairgrounds. 2:16 p.m. A Puget Island caller reported a vehicle parked in a suspicious spot. Deputies contacted the occupants and l...

  • Join us for National Night Out: A community celebration

    Danielle Vanderwalker|Aug 1, 2024

    Mark your calendars for August 6th! The Puget Island Fire Department will be celebrating National Night Out, an annual nationwide event aimed at fostering community spirit and safety. Our local National Night Out event is set to take place this coming Tuesday the 6th of August, from 6pm-8pm at the Puget Island Fire Station on SR-409. Organized by local fire station volunteers, you can look forward to kids’ games, a raffle with prizes, hot dogs and rootbeer floats in support of fire and n...

  • Cathlamet on the map

    Kim Sharp, Puget Island|Jul 25, 2024

    To The Eagle, Cathlamet has arrived! We are highlighted in the 2024-25 edition of the Washington State Visitors Guide! On page 73 under Local Culture, I read "CATHLAMET. A scenic stop on Highway 4, which skirts the Columbia River between Longview and the coast, this tiny town is home to Julia Butler Hansen National Wildlife Refuge, where you might spy Columbian white-tailed deer. Stop by one of the appealing eateries in town, such as The Spar for chicken-fried steak or biscuits with homemade gravy, or River Mile 38 Brewing, where you can sip a...

  • Volunteer opportunities with fire and EMS

    Scott Roskelley|Jul 25, 2024

    Think you couldn't possibly volunteer for one of the county's five fire districts? Think again, says Randy Hoven, fire chief for Wahkiakum County Fire District 4. When Fire District 4's M.D. Johnson asked if I would be interested in volunteering, I said "I'm too old and decrepit." He said, "Do you think you could drive that tender over there?" I said, "Well, yeah. I could do that." His response was "If you could do that and watch over the crew while they're fighting a fire, then we could use...

  • Caroline Badger becomes Cathlamet's latest nonagenarian

    Nick Nikkila|Jul 25, 2024

    A large gathering of family and friends were on hand at Riverside Park on Saturday in celebration of Caroline Badger's 90th birthday. When husband Raymond had asked what she would like to eat at her party, she was quick to say, "chicken from Baker's Corner." Between the 100 piece order of chicken and the pot luck items provided, it was a meal enjoyed by all, from the nonagenarian couple all the way down to their diapered great- grandson. The meal was topped off by the famous cream puffs made by...

  • New Cathlamet business; I Fix Computers

    Jennifer Figueroa|Jul 25, 2024

    A new local business on Main Street in Cathlamet opened earlier this year. It's called I Fix Computers and provides Wahkiakum County residents with accessible technology assistance. I Fix Computers provides an additional local tech resource to residents, helping them avoid the drive to Longview. Erik Friend is the owner of the new shop. He moved here in February 2011 after finding a Craigslist ad for some land in the small town of Cathlamet, where he currently resides with his family. His...

  • Cathlamet Cruisers on a Roll

    Jamie J. Brown|Jul 25, 2024

    Classic car lovers, start your engines, polish up your chrome, and dust off the dice because It's time for the Cathlamet Cruise. On the third Friday of every month, Cathlamet will now have a classic car cruise from Main Street through downtown. Organizer Janine Davidson thought it would be a wonderful way to gather local cruisers with collectible cars for a jaunt around Wahkiakum County. Before, the closest cruise was in Longview, held on the first weekend of the month, and was not convenient fo...

  • Sherrif's report

    Jul 25, 2024

    July 14 1:57 a.m. A caller outside of Cathlamet reported heard gunshots and screaming. Deputies responded. 1:22 p.m. A resident in the Westend reported trucks and four wheelers on their neighbor's property. Deputies contacted the homeowner who asked that the motorists be trespassed from the property. When deputies arrived the vehicles were gone. 2:16 p.m. A Puget Island caller reported cars driving at excessive speeds. 3:52 p.m. Cathlamet emergency services responded to a child who had fallen and hit their head. 4:06 p.m. A caller in downtown...

  • Skamokawa news

    Kay Chamberlain|Jul 25, 2024

    IN THE BOOKS! The Bald Eagle Days festivities for this year have come and gone but boy, did they get nice weather and a good crowd! I thought it was terrific as I attending a reunion near the marina and the breeze blowing all day made it just perfect. We woke up Sunday morning to some thunder and lightning along with a light sprinkle, I'd say the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Hats off to all those who were in charge of this event and those who took part, from parade participants to vendors and more; It is always a success when...

  • PUD consolidation

    David Olson, Mayor|Jul 17, 2024

    I wish to submit a correction and comment to your summary of the impacts of PUD/Town utility consolidation study in the “PUD Report” published in the July 11, 2024 edition of the Eagle. Your report states “Consolidation of these utilities could mean lower prices for consumers and greater efficiencies for utility operators.” This may be true for customers outside the Town of Cathlamet but is definitely NOT accurate for utility customers within the Town of Cathlamet. The PUD study states “the water bill for a residential customer inside the Town...

  • Musical theatre camp

    Suzanne Holmes|Jul 17, 2024

    Lots of laughter and applause filled the historic Cathlamet Pioneer Center on Friday night, July 12. After participating in Cathlamet's first week-long "Summer Musical Theater Camp", ten young local thespians entertained family and friends with an original production, "Shel Silverstein: Poems & A Song". It was by any measure, a smashing success! Under the enthusiastic direction of Joe Baker, Delee Baker and Lorene VanderWalker, the talented Cast Members shared witty poems and delighted the...

  • Sheriff's report

    Jul 17, 2024

    July 8 6:44 a.m. A caller to the sheriff's office reported that a bull and three cows were loose on Brooks Slough Rd. 11:01 a.m. An Elochoman Valley homeowner reported a neighbor burning illegally. The sheriff’s department and fire district 4 responded. 4:06 p.m. A motorist west of Cathlamet reported that their wallet had been stolen from their car. 5:06 p.m. A driver west of county line park reported a reckless driver. 5:22 p.m. A Deep River resident reported fencing stolen from their property. 8:25 p.m. A Elochoman Valley homeowner r...

  • Skamokawa News

    Kay Chamberlain|Jul 17, 2024

    STILL DRY. It is hard to believe we are still in a dry spell, though temperatures have thankfully cooled down to the mid and upper seventies, with a good breeze that beats those higher temps by a mile! It's very dry however and the burn ban is still in effect. Please continue to use extreme caution during this time because one spark and a little breeze can start a roaring, out-of-control fire in just minutes. The house you save may be your own. SPECIAL DAYS. Those celebrating birthdays this coming week from July 18 through 24 are: Naomi Meyer,...

  • 4-H food drive to benefit St. Vincent de Paul food bank

    Jessica Vik, 4-H program coordinator|Jul 17, 2024

    The Robo Rascals 4-H Club will be putting on a food drive to benefit St. Vincent de Paul’s Food Bank in Cathlamet. The drive will run from July 22 through Aug. 2. This group of students ranges in age from five to 14, and meet twice a month after school to learn about robotics, electrical, engineering and design for 3D printing. Each year they do a community service project and this year the students wanted to help the food bank. Drop boxes will be available at the following locations: WSU Wahkiakum County Extension 4-H Office, Puget Island F...

  • Community Member spotlight

    Jennifer Figueroa|Jul 11, 2024

    Sue Zabel is the focus of our latest Community Member spotlight, she owns and operates The Jabber Shack and is heavily involved in her community. Sue and her husband are from Vancouver, Washington and moved to Cathlamet around nine years ago. They found our little slice of heaven through their fishing endeavors. For several years they were fishermen, renting a camping spot at the Marina and mooring their boat in the summers. After making their home in Cathlamet, Sue wanted to start a business....

  • Hunger at home, a national crisis

    Jennifer Figueroa|Jul 11, 2024

    It’s time for the 3rd annual Food drive competition between businesses around Cathlamet. The business that brings in the most donations will win the “Cup of Sunshine” chalice and subsequent bragging rights. Heading up this drive is Sue Zabel, local business owner of the Jabber Shack and someone who understands first-hand what it’s like to be in need “[cup of sunshine] started because I felt at one point in my life I needed help, and the food bank was there to help us.” Sue knew how hard it can be for families, especially in the summer “I t...

  • PUD report

    Sy Patterson|Jul 11, 2024

    Wahkiakum PUD met on the morning of July 2 and received the welcome news that the department of ecology fully funded the engineering project to extend the Westend water system over the Grays River bridge to Salme Hill. This grant for $395,000 will get the ball rolling, and has been a top priority for residents on the Westend of Wahkiakum county. The PUD shared pictures of the finished looping project that has taken place on Puget Island. Wahkiakum PUD tied water mains together to make the system more resilient. The next part of the project...

  • Brighter Futures Wahkiakum encourages whole-child health

    Jen Milliren|Jul 11, 2024

    Child & Adolescent Clinic, Wahkiakum County Health & Human Services, Cowlitz Family Health Center, Wahkiakum School District, CHOICE (Community Health Organization Improving Care and Equity), and ESD 112 comprises Brighter Futures Wahkiakum, a home-grown effort to improve health outcomes for children in the community. Partner agencies have come together in Wahkiakum to provide education and support to families, encourage well-child visits, increase access to emotional care, and help connect people to community services. Justin Helms stepped...

  • Skamokawa News

    Jul 11, 2024

    TOO HOT. Well, there might be a few folks who love this heat wave, like haymakers, but I would much rather have temperatures in the 70-80 degree range and not the 90-100 degree range. It always amazes me that, despite how wet it was, in a very short amount of time we are dry as a bone. That being said, please be aware that a burn ban is in place and we hope that folks will be very careful with anything hot getting too close to something combustible. From machinery in the fields to your grills and BBQs, having a water hose or fire extinguisher...

  • Sherriff's report

    Jul 11, 2024

    July 1 2:52 p.m. A welfare check was requested on an elderly Cathlamet resident with mobility issues. Sheriff’s deputies responded. 1:43 p.m. Cathlamet emergency services transported a resident with an injury to the hospital. July 2 7:51 p.m. The Grays River ambulance responded to a Westend resident with breathing problems. 11:40 p.m. A person in Cathlamet turned in a key found it a parking lot. 2:51 p.m. A black and white dog was found on the Cathlamet bridge. 3:20 p.m. Sheriff’s deputies assisted a motorist on Main Street in Cathlamet who...

  • Sergeant John Mason appointed as Wahkiakum County Sheriff

    Nick Nikkala|Jul 4, 2024

    On Tuesday morning, July 2nd, in the presence of a large audience, the Wahkiakum County Commissioners approved the appointment of Sergeant John Mason to the position of County Sheriff. Following a retirement party last Saturday that appeared to include every resident of the county, Mark Howie’s retirement as Sheriff officially began on July 1st. During the past year, he has mentored Sheriff Mason for the position and recommended his appointment to the County Commissioners. Following the a...

  • Cathlamet Town Council Report

    Julie O'Neil|Jul 4, 2024

    The Cathlamet Town Council met on Monday where the Mayor read a proclamation declaring July 1, 2024, as Sheriff Mark Howie Day in recognition of his dedicated service to the Town of Cathlamet and Wahkiakum County. Sheriff Howie addressed the Council, “I look forward to seeing you on the streets when I meet for coffee with the guys.” Enjoy your retirement, Sheriff Howie! A citizen expressed their concern about speeding all along Columbia Street. Suggestions were changing the speed limit to 20 MPH, just plain driving the speed limit and/or pai...

  • Workshop planned for Working Families Tax Credit

    Jul 4, 2024

    Working families who file their taxes with an individual taxpayer identifcation number (ITIN) or social security number may qualify to receive $315-$1,255 in returns through the Working Families Tax Credit. Collaborative Partners Initiative is conducting an outreach program in which they will provide free filing help to working families. The Working Families Tax Credit program provides a return of state sales tax for qualified low to mid-level income families. Events will take place throughout the summer including Bald Eagle Days on July 20,...

  • Finas Skeers

    Jul 4, 2024

    Finas Skeers was born May 28,1950 and died June 14, 2024, at his Puget Island home after a brief but losing battle with lung cancer. He was surrounded by his wife, children, love, laughter, and tears. Finas grew up in Darrington, WA where he learned to love hunting, fishing, the timber industry, pranks, and partying. He met Vicki Brown, his future wife, on July 9, 1977. It was love at first sight, at least for Finas. He would proudly tell of seeing her for the first time and saying aloud, “that’s the woman I’m going to marry.” He success...

  • Kris Bergseng

    Jul 4, 2024

    Kris M. Bergseng of Cathlamet, died June 24th at age 54, after a recent cancer diagnosis. Kris was born to Albert and Patti (Tate) Bergseng on June 28,1969 in Longview. He grew up in Cathlamet and moved to Clatskanie, Oregon after high school. Eight years ago, he returned to Cathlamet. He worked various jobs as a carpenter, commercial fisherman and mill worker. In 1999, he joined the Pile Drivers Local 2416 and has been with the union for 25 years. Kris enjoyed fishing, clam digging, riding motorcycles, woodworking, skydiving, scuba diving,...

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